Distributed unmetered load audits
Reconciliation participants that trade a distributed unmetered load must submit audits and compliance plans annually for each of their distributed unmetered load databases.
Distributed unmetered load audits
Participants that trade a distributed unmetered load (DUML) must submit audits regularly for each of their distributed unmetered load databases.
DUML is unmetered load:
- with a single profile
- with a single customer
- across more than one point of connection.
Streetlights are the most common type of distributed unmetered load.
When a DUML is audited
Audits should be carried out and submitted:
- within three months of submission information being submitted to the reconciliation manager for the first time
- on the date that we advise that an audit should take place
- at any time at the request of the industry participant or an approved auditor.
What the distributed unmetered load audit covers
A retailer with DUML participants must submit regular audit reports for each DUML database it is responsible for. The audit includes checking that the:
- database contains all of the required information
- information recorded in the database is complete and accurate
- volume information for the DUML is being calculated accurately
- DUML profiles have been correctly applied.
If an audit identifies non-compliance with the Code a compliance plan is required to go with the audit. A compliance plan shows how the retailer will address the noncompliance.
DUML can switch from one retailer to another. If an audit is in progress when the new retailer accepts responsibility, the new retailer must ensure that audits are completed and submitted to the Authority by the due date.
Read the following guidelines and use the auditing tool.
- Guidelines for DUML audits
- Guidelines for DUML statistical sampling audits
- DUML database auditing tool
- Standardised table of streetlight wattages
Register of approved DUMLs and next audit dates
We keep a register of participants and the DUML databases they are responsible for. The register includes the most recent DUML audit, compliance plan, certification expiry date, and the next audit date.