General news

Consultation open on system operator rolling outage plan

  • Policy
  • Code

The system operator is calling for feedback on proposed changes to the System Operator Rolling Outage Plan.

The System Operator Rolling Outage Plan (SOROP) is one of the system operator’s key security of supply planning and policy documents. The system operator is proposing several significant changes to the System Operator Rolling Outage Plan to resolve identified issues and to make general improvements.

The system operator’s review follows a desktop exercise with some industry participants in 2022 that identified areas where the plan could be refreshed and improved.

As required under the Electricity Industry Participation Code, the Electricity Authority Te Mana Hiko has given approval for the system operator to consult on its proposed changes.

You are invited to read the consultation document and provide feedback to by 6 March 2024.

This will be followed by a cross-submissions process which will close on 20 March 2024.

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