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Consultation open: Part 8 common quality requirements

  • Code

Today we released an issues paper on Part 8 of the Code’s common quality requirements as part of our future security and resilience project.

Currently, the common quality requirements of Part 8 of the Code may disadvantage some evolving technologies over others, particularly inverter-based resources. As a result, this may not best promote competition in, reliable supply by, and the efficient operation of the electricity industry.

We are aware that a review of common quality has, or is likely to have, linkages with other parts of the Code. We will carefully consider these linkages as part of this review.

This work is part of Phase 3 of our future security and resilience project:

  • Phase 1 - identified opportunities and challenges affecting security and resilience of the power system as it transitions towards a low-emissions energy system.
  • Phase 2 - set out a road map of activities to address the opportunities and challenges identified in phase one.
  • Phase 3 – commenced in late 2022 and will include delivery of a multi-year programme of studies and solutions to address the challenges and opportunities identified in Phase 2. This project is the highest priority activity on the road map.

Submissions on our issues paper are open from now until 30 May 2023. We are available to meet with interested parties, contact

We will use feedback from submissions and ongoing engagement to progress the challenges and opportunities affecting security and resilience of the power system in its low-emissions transition.

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