General news

‘Electricity Registry functional specification’ now updated for distributed generation

  • Distribution
  • Code

The Electricity Authority has worked with the registry manager to release an updated draft ‘Electricity Authority Registry Functional Specification’ amendment document.

The updated technical document provides information to distributors to help them capture and input more detailed data into the Electricity Registry about distributed generation on their networks.

This is a new requirement following our decision in August to capture more detail about distributed generation at an installation control point when engaging with their suppliers or internal developers and plan for implementation.

The functional specification may be updated as the project progresses. Any changes will be notified by the registry manager and updates made available at the link provided above.

The registry manager is also targeting a test version of the registry changes to be available on 9 March 2025. This will allow participants to test the changes to their systems before the new requirements come into effect.

To further help distributors, we are hosting a webinar from 10–10.30am, on 27 February 2025. Keep a look out on the Authority website or Market Brief newsletter for more details closer to the time.

We expect having more detail about distributed generation available on the registry will improve distributors’ ability to manage networks, support more distributed generation use for flexibility, and ultimately provide more value for distributed generation owners.

This work supports the Authority’s key priority area to harness the power of data to deliver clean and reliable energy at lowest possible cost.

For more information, please contact the registry engineer at 0800 652 266 or email

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