General news
Energy Competition Task Force Package Two consultation update
- Consumers
- Code
We will publish Energy Competition Task Force (the Task Force) consultation papers for Package Two initiatives 2A, 2B and 2C on the Electricity Authority website at 8am on Wednesday 12 February. We will also host a webinar for anyone interested from 9.30 to 10am on the same day.
The consultation papers will set out proposals to better enable consumers to manage their electricity use and costs and to harness the power of rooftop solar and batteries.
The more consumers are actively involved in managing their electricity use and costs, the better placed the electricity system will be to meet the needs of all New Zealanders.
The consultation papers are for Task Force initiatives that:
- propose requiring distributors to pay a rebate when consumers export electricity at peak times (2A)
- propose requiring all retailers to offer time-of-use pricing (2B)
- propose requiring retailers to better reward consumers for supplying power (2C).
At the webinar, Task Force, Commerce Commission and Authority representatives will explain the proposals, take questions and provide details on how you can provide feedback.
We will publish two consultation papers:
- Initiative 2A
- Initiatives 2B and 2C combined
As part of this consultation package, we are also releasing an issues paper that relates to the Initiative 2A consultation paper. This paper will explore whether existing pricing rules for distributed generation are fit for purpose, as well as potential solutions. More information about the issues paper will be available on our website on 12 February.
Jointly established by the Electricity Authority and Commerce Commission in August last year, the Task Force is investigating actions to strengthen the performance of the electricity market in the short- to medium-term, for the benefit of all consumers.
The Authority encourages all interested parties, including industry participants and consumers to provide feedback on its proposals.
Register now for the Task Force Package Two webinar.
For any questions, contact
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