General news

Investigation into self-reported breach by the grid owner

  • Code
  • Compliance

The Electricity Authority Te Mana Hiko has started an investigation into a self-reported breach of the Electricity Industry Participation Code 2010 (Code) by Transpower New Zealand Limited as the grid owner.

The grid owner self-reported that it breached clause 4(4)(a)(ii) of Technical Code A, Schedule 8.3 of the Code on 20 May 2022.

This event was related to grid protection at the Waverley Grid Exit Point.

If any participant considers it is affected by the alleged breach and wishes to join the investigation, it should contact the appointed investigator by 5pm on 5 September 2024.

The investigator can be contacted by:

  • email at citing reference 2311TPNZ2 in the subject line
  • our Compliance portal
  • post at Compliance Investigator, Electricity Authority Te Mana Hiko, PO Box 10041, Wellington 6011

View investigation notice

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