General news

Join our quarterly update in October

  • Corporate

The Electricity Authority will run quarterly updates for participants and interested parties to learn about our projects and priorities.

We are pleased to invite you to our first online quarterly update on Thursday 19 October 2-3.30pm. Register here.

We see these sessions as an opportunity to share information, including updates on our work underway, market insights, compliance and any key areas stakeholders wish to discuss.

There will be plenty of time for questions, but if you don’t get a chance to ask your question on the day, you’ll find out who to contact at the Electricity Authority for a response.

We would like to make our quarterly updates as useful as possible and welcome your input on topics and information you would like us to cover.

Our quarterly updates are open and welcome to all. We look forward to you joining us on Thursday 19 October.

Register for our quarterly update.

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