General news

Lines companies and retailers have completed the first training for the Industry Exercise 2025

  • Distribution
  • Retail

Lines companies and retailers have completed the first training for the Industry Exercise 2025.

Yesterday over 120 operations and communications leads came together to learn about industry processes for an extended electricity supply shortage, including the rolling outages process, Official Conservation Campaigns and Consumer Care Obligations.

View the presentation slides

There will be a second webinar on Tuesday 18 March to share how this year’s Industry Exercise on 9 April will work and explain what participants need to prepare.

The Industry Exercise 2025 is part of our work with the system operator to build resilience and industry-wide capability, test operations and communications, and ensure that we are all well-prepared if a major power system event occurs, so that we can minimise any impact on electricity customers.

If you’re not registered and would like to get involved, please contact

About the Industry Exercise 2025

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