General news

Part 6A exemption applications from Vector Limited and Manawa Energy Limited

  • Distribution
  • Compliance

The Electricity Authority Te Mana Hiko has received exemption applications from Vector Limited (Vector) and Manawa Energy Limited (Manawa) from Part 6A of the Electricity Industry Participation Code 2010.

The Authority recently granted a dispensation from Part 6A to Ms Urlwin, who is a director of both Vector and Infratil Limited (Infratil).

Infratil has a ~51.1% share in Manawa through its subsidiaries. The Authority determined that Ms Urlwin was “involved in” both Vector and Manawa for the purposes of Part 6A. Manawa retails on Vector’s network above the thresholds specified in Part 6A of the Code (Separation of distribution from certain generation and retailing). Accordingly both participants are subject to Part 6A as a distributor and connected retailer as a result of Ms Urlwin’s involvement.

The applications seek exemptions for Vector and Manawa from the relevant obligations in Part 6A:

Manawa's 6A exemption application

Vector's 6A exemption application

If you would like to make any comment on the applications, please send feedback to by 21 May 2024.

We will carefully consider the applications and any feedback before making our decision.

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