General news

Reminder: nominations due for the Security and Reliability Council

  • Corporate
  • Strategy

The Electricity Authority is calling for nominations for an independent Chair and two members of the Security and Reliability Council by 15 October 2024

We are particularly interested in nominations from people in governance, executive or senior management roles experienced in:

  • electricity generation, particularly hydro, thermal, wind and solar
  • demand-side flexibility and consumer advocacy
  • major electricity usage for industrial processes
  • power system operations and performance.

To make a nomination, please complete and return this nomination form by 15 October 2024 to

The Security and Reliability Council provides the Authority with independent advice on reliability of supply issues, the performance of the electricity system and the system operator.

We intend to appoint successful nominees to represent a broad array of expertise in the electricity industry for a three-year term, starting 1 April 2025.

Read the Charter for advisory groups and terms of reference.

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