General news

Report on electricity consumer and industry wānanga

  • Consumers

The Electricity Authority Te Mana Hiko has published its report on the Electricity consumer and industry wānanga held earlier this year.

The wānanga report provides an overview of the wānanga’s discussions, covers high-level themes and insights that emerged, potential actions/initiatives and next steps.

The Authority is proposing to hold a second wānanga in September to provide a forum to report back on progress, discuss any barriers and identify further opportunities for the collective to take forward. Energy hardship is an ongoing and pressing social issue in Aotearoa. Tackling energy hardship and achieving energy wellbeing for consumers requires a range of support measures from right across the system. The Authority places consumers at the core of the work we do. Our vision is that consumers have choices in accessing the energy they need now, and in the future, to ensure they and New Zealand prosper.

In March this year, the Authority facilitated a wānanga with representatives from the electricity sector, government agencies, and consumer/community groups. The purpose of the wānanga was to bring together diverse groups invested in improving energy wellbeing in Aotearoa, discuss different perspectives and experiences, and look to potential initiatives that could be progressed to achieve positive change on a larger scale. The intention was to provide an open forum for ideas to be explored and considered.

We’d like to thank all participants to the wānanga again for giving their time, goodwill, experience and knowledge to this kaupapa. We look forward to meeting again in September.

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