General news

Sign up for the Industry Exercise 2024

  • Consumers
  • Retail

The Industry Exercise 2024 is less than a month away. If you are a lines company, direct connect industrial customer or retailer, make sure you’re registered. The exercise is an important opportunity to prepare and test your organisation's readiness to respond to a major power system event.

Last year’s exercise proved invaluable and we look forward to sharing tips and lessons learnt. This year’s exercise will run across two days with advance briefings:

  • Wednesday 1 May: for control room operators
    The system operator will lead this day to test grid emergency processes and interactions between the system operator and generators, lines companies and direct connect industrial customers. Control rooms should contact for more details. A briefing will be held before the exercise on Friday 29 April.

  • Wednesday 8 May, 10am-3pm: for digital communications/customer leads
    The Electricity Authority will lead this day alongside Transpower’s communications team to test communications and interactions from Transpower out through lines companies to retailers and end consumers. There will be an exercise briefing on Monday 6 May, 1-2pm.
    Action: all interested parties for 8 May need to register with our exercise facilitator RiskLogic by completing this registration form.

For any queries about how Transpower communicate major power system events, contact

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