General news

Solar energy sharing for social housing trial

  • Compliance

The Electricity Authority has approved two exemptions and technical and non-controversial amendments to the Electricity Industry Participation Code 2010 to facilitate an energy sharing trial led by Kāinga Ora and Ara Ake.

The trial will take place in Wellington over five years and test energy sharing across selected Kāinga Ora housing.

The exemptions will enable Wellington Electricity Lines Limited, as the distributor, and Intellihub Limited, as the metering equipment provider, to form part of a multiple trading model which could demonstrate the potential for energy hardship reduction from solar installations.

The aim of multiple trading relationships is to give consumers more choice about how to use the electricity they produce and consume. The separation of the import and export registers is one option to support multiple trading relationships.

The electricity industry is changing significantly. New technology and the pace of change are testing market rules that were designed for different circumstances years ago. It is important for regulation to evolve to foster innovation and variations on the traditional single buyer and seller electricity models.

The Authority’s decision enables the trial to happen and gives the Authority adequate time to assess and learn more about this model of multiple trading relationships, alongside industry. This can be used to develop a more enduring solution alongside industry. In addition, we can also ensure changes do not have unintended consequences for consumers and industry.

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