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Submissions published: comparison and switching consultation

  • Consumers
  • Retail

The Electricity Authority would like to thank everyone who made a submission to our consultation paper Options to support consumer plan comparison and switching. This consultation sought feedback on eight options to support and promote consumer comparison and switching between electricity retailers and plans. The options included in the paper were five website-related options and three consumer-choice support options.

We have published the 79 submissions received, which fell into three broad categories:

  • 25 long-form submissions – a range of industry participants, switching service providers, consumer advocates and individuals.
  • 36 online consumer survey submissions – mostly individuals who completed a shorter version of the consultation questions designed to be more consumer-focused. These submissions were received through the Electricity Authority’s Information Provision Platform.
  • 18 Common Grace Aotearoa submissions – the consumer advocacy group Common Grace Aotearoa asked a selection of consumers to respond to a series of eight questions, similar in content to the online consumer survey.

We received submissions from a wide range of stakeholders, including individuals, retailers, consumer advocates, comparison providers and other types of organisations.

We are considering all the feedback and will then release our decision outlining our next steps.

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