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Submissions published for Task Force’s PPA working paper
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The Electricity Authority Te Mana Hiko has published submissions on the Energy Competition Task Force’s working paper Entrant generators – context, headwinds and options for power purchase agreements.
The Task Force would like to thank the 22 submitters for taking the time to send us your feedback:
- BusinessNZ Energy Council
- Contact Energy
- Electric Kiwi
- Energy Resources Aotearoa
- EVA Marketplace
- Far North Solar Farms
- Fonterra
- Genesis Energy
- Harmony Energy
- Helios Energy
- MainPower NZ
- Mercury Energy
- Meridian Energy
- Neil Walbran Consulting
- Nova Energy
- NZ Clean Energy
- Octopus Energy
- Slowjam Energy
- Sustainable Energy Association of New Zealand
- Taranaki Offshore Partnership
- Transpower
- Waikato Regional Council staff
If you were unable to make a submission and would like to talk to us about your experience with the power purchase agreements market, please get in touch with us before the end of March at
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