General news

Updated guidelines on Code exemptions to support industry trials

  • Distribution
  • Innovation

Anyone looking to trial new electricity products, services or business models is encouraged to read our updated Guidelines on Code exemptions.

The updated guidelines have an additional section detailing how exemptions from the Electricity Industry Participation Code 2010 (Code) can be used to support industry trials, along with guidance for potential applicants.

This guidance includes information on how to apply when there are multiple participants in an industry trial, how the Authority will assess applications for industry trial exemptions, and the kinds of conditions we may consider placing on an exemption for monitoring trial outcomes and sharing insights.

We recognise the electricity sector is evolving, with more participants looking to innovate and work together to test new ideas. We’re particularly keen to facilitate industry trials that could lead to positive long-term outcomes for consumers.

However, some new ideas or innovations can’t be trialled within the existing regulatory environment. A temporary exemption from rules in the Code can enable an industry trial to get underway.

This project has come out of our broader work programme to update regulatory settings for distribution networks.

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