General news
Webinar about working paper to support PPAs
- Policy
- Wholesale
The Electricity Authority Te Mana Hiko is holding a webinar to provide more detail on the issues and options from the recently released working paper which aims to improve settings in relation to power purchase agreements (PPAs).
We invite all interested parties to register for a webinar on Tuesday 18 February 1.30-3.00pm to learn more about issues around supporting power PPAs.
The initiative is one of eight being considered by the Energy Competition Task Force, which we jointly established with the Commerce Commission in August 2024 to investigate ways to strengthen the electricity market.
PPAs are long-term contracts to support generation. They can provide a route to market for entrant generators and an alternative procurement option for electricity buyers or traders. We know that a deeper and more active market for PPAs will support more investment in new generation such as solar and wind farms.
The working paper covers some of the opportunities and challenges facing the PPA market in New Zealand, as well as some options to support PPAs to encourage more and faster investment in new generation.
Submissions on the working paper close 5pm 28 February 2025.
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