General news

Working together to improve consumers’ experience of New Zealand’s electricity

  • Consumers
  • Corporate

Today we signed a memorandum of understanding with the Consumer Advocacy Council. This signals our commitment to work together to improve outcomes for electricity consumers.

We already share areas of common interest relating to the supply of electricity to New Zealand consumers – specifically domestic and small business consumers.

This next step helps us work together and share information, insights and expertise for mutual benefit of both organisations – and most importantly for the benefit of New Zealand electricity consumers.

By building a productive working relationship we can better understand issues facing all consumers and ensure we capture consumer voice and experience in our regulatory decision-making processes.

As of 31 December 2022, the Electricity Authority has an additional objective to protect the interests of domestic consumers and small business consumers in relation to the supply of electricity to those consumers. The additional objective applies only to the Authority’s activities in relation to the direct dealings of industry participants with domestic consumers and small business consumers.

We look forward to continuing to work with the Consumer Advocacy Council.

Find out more: Our work with other agencies

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