Commercial market making
Ensuring market-making arrangements are fit-for-purpose over time
View submissions
Submissions closed 16 June 2020
The exchange traded New Zealand electricity futures market performs two key functions:
- participants use it directly and indirectly to manage their spot price risk, and
- participants and other interested parties use the forward price curve the futures market creates to inform a wide range of investment and operational decisions.
These market functions promote the long-term interests of consumers by enabling efficient decisions and fostering competition.
On 21 April 2020 the Electricity Authority published a consultation paper to seek feedback on the approaches we should consider for an enduring solution and any trade-offs that need to be made under each possible approach.
This consultation closed on 16 June 2020.
We released a decision paper on this consultation on 27 October 2020.
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Contact Energy10 pages
Ecotricity3 pages
emhTrade3 pages
Flick Electric7 pages
Fonterra1 page
Genesis Energy11 pages
Haast and Electric Kiwi11 pages
Independent retailers - submission17 pages
Mercury Energy5 pages
Meridian Energy18 pages
MEUG4 pages
Nova Energy5 pages
NZ Steel3 pages
NZWEA4 pages
OMF3 pages
Pioneer and Pulse4 pages
Trustpower17 pages
Vector5 pages