Commercial market making
Hedge market enhancements: securing access to exchange data
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Submissions closed 21 July 2020
Hedge markets provide transparent and robust forward price signals, and enable participants to manage their exposure to the spot market for electricity. It is important that the Electricity Authority understands how industry participants access and use hedge markets because this helps us carry out our functions for the long-term benefit of consumers.
From 23 June to 21 July 2020, we consulted on our proposal to secure access to industry participants’ hedging data. Thanks to all those who made a submission.
Following this consultation, we decided to amend the Electricity Industry Participation Code 2010 to secure better data about participants’ activity on exchange platforms. Read our decision paper below.
Decision paper
Contact Energy2 pages
Electric Kiwi and Haast2 pages
Genesis Energy11 pages
Mercury Energy2 pages
Meridian Energy3 pages
MEUG3 pages
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