Consumer awareness of Utilities Disputes and Powerswitch services
Raising consumer awareness of Utilities Disputes and Powerswitch services
View submissions
Submissions closed 3 March 2020
This consultation sought your views on our proposal to increase consumer awareness of the dispute resolution scheme identified under clause 3 of Schedule 4 of the Electricity Industry Act 2010 (currently Utilities Disputes) and the Authority prescribed electricity plan comparison service (currently Powerswitch).
On 1 September 2020 we decided to amend Part 11 of the Electricity Industry Participation Code (Code) to:
- require all retailers and distributors to provide clear and prominent information about Utilities Disputes, and
- require retailers to provide clear and prominent information about Powerswitch.
Thank you to all those who made a submission.
Summary of submissions
Aurora Energy5 pages
Consumer NZ3 pages
Contact Energy4 pages
Electric Kiwi6 pages
ENA8 pages
ERANZ12 pages
Flick2 pages
Federated Farmers of New Zealand2 pages
Genesis Energy17 pages
Glimp9 pages
Meridian Energy4 pages
Mercury Energy9 pages
Nova7 pages
Orion6 pages
Our Energy3 pages
Powerco3 pages
SaveaWatt3 pages
Smart Billing Solutions2 pages
Switchme2 pages
Trustpower3 pages
Utilities Disputes8 pages
Vector4 pages
Vocus7 pages
Wellington Electricity5 pages