Consumer Care Obligations
Proposed consumer care guidelines
View submissions
Submissions closed 27 November 2020
Through a series of collaborative workshops and targeted engagement, we reviewed the vulnerable consumer and medically dependent consumer guidelines.
We worked closely with retailers, consumer representative groups, government and social agencies to design a single set of consumer care guidelines. These guidelines would replace the vulnerable consumer and medically dependent consumer guidelines.
This consultation sought feedback on our proposed new consumer care guidelines. Our thanks to all those who provided valuable input and perspectives into this work. Please see the submissions received below.
Supporting information
Consumer care proposal29 October 2020
Supporting information- Empathy work in progress29 October 2020
Supporting information - reference persona29 October 2020
Health Practitioner MDVC notice29 October 2020
Anglican care10 pages
CABNZ8 pages
CAP12 pages
Consumer NZ10 pages
Contact Energy10 pages
David Close6 pages
Electra6 pages
Electric Kiwi15 pages
ERANZ15 pages
FinCap16 pages
Flick Electric8 pages
Genesis Energy9 pages
Ian McChesney11 pages
Independent Retailers25 pages
Intellihub6 pages
Mercury21 pages
Meridian and Powershop15 pages
Nova Energy10 pages
Orion2 pages
OurPower11 pages
Pat Cunniffe6 pages
Pulse Energy8 pages
Sustainability Trust9 pages
Trustpower29 pages
University of Otago9 pages
Utilities Disputes8 pages
Vector3 pages
Wellington Electricity1 page
WRHHG2 pages