Financial transmission rights
Ensuring arrangements are fit-for-purpose
View submissions
Submissions closed 4 July 2022
From 24 May to 4 July 2022, we consulted on whether the FTR market settings are fit-for-purpose. We would like to thank submitters for their input and perspectives. We received 17 submissions which are available below.
After considering submissions and conducting further analysis, we released a decision paper on 6 June 2023. We found that the FTR market is working broadly as intended to assist market participants to manage their locational price risk, although questions remain around the efficiency of the funding design.
We will conduct further analysis to determine whether using both loss and constraint excess and auction revenue to fund the FTR market is to the long-term benefit of consumers.
Acropolis Energy Trading4 pages
Alpine Energy7 pages
Bold5 pages
Contact Energy3 pages
Electric-Kiwi and Haast12 pages
emhTrade14 pages
EMS7 pages
ENA3 pages
Flick Electric2 pages
Genesis Energy19 pages
Independent Retailers13 pages
Mercury Energy6 pages
Meridian Energy11 pages
MEUG2 pages
Nodal Traders8 pages
Nova Energy10 pages
Smartwin13 pages