Part 8 Common quality requirements review
Thanks you to all those who engaged with this consultation which sought feedback on two consultation papers which cover:
- a set of short-listed options to improve the common quality information available to network operators and owners about assets that are looking to connect to electricity networks
- some Code amendment proposals that update key terms in the Code to better enable emerging technologies to be used in New Zealand’s electricity sector.
These two consultation papers are steps in the wider reform of the Code’s common quality requirements, being undertaken as part of our multi-year Future security and resilience work programme.
The review of Part 8 of the Code specifically is investigating ways to ensure that power quality on distribution networks and the transmission network is maintained within acceptable limits. An increase in variable and intermittent generation, primarily in the form of inverter-based generation using renewable energy sources such as wind and solar, means there is a risk of a reduction in power quality and potential poor outcomes for consumers.
Common quality requirements are a complex and technical area of the Code, but they can have a big impact on consumers, businesses and the power system.
Consultation papers
Submissions - Addressing common quality information requirements
EEA18 pages
ENA8 pages
solarZero3 pages
Lodestone Energy10 pages
Manawa Energy9 pages
Mercury5 pages
Meridian11 pages
MEUG2 pages
NewPower Energy14 pages
Orion8 pages
Powerco6 pages
Transpower13 pages
WEL6 pages
Vector8 pages