Consumer protection
Improving consumer choice
Supporting consumer information, comparison and switching initiatives.
Following consultation, we have made four decisions on how we will continue to support and improve comparison and switching services and tools for consumers. We will:
- continue support for a comparison and switching website service, with procurement underway to have a new contract in place by 1 July 2025
- explore alternative funding models for the website to help increase trust and confidence in the website
- develop and implement changes that will enhance the website service and switching environment
- broaden our support to progress initiatives outside of a website service, such as exploring best plan notices and community advisors.
Project background
Consumers are at the heart of everything the Electricity Authority does. Since our establishment in 2010, we have worked to promote retail market competition and protect consumer interests by supporting information, comparison, and switching initiatives.
The retail electricity market is rapidly adapting to meet consumer demand for greater choice and flexibility due to advancing technology, more diverse retailer plan offerings and growing electrification.
This complexity and availability of choice means that for consumers to get the most benefit from the competitive electricity market, it is increasingly important that:
- accurate information supporting consumers to compare retailers and plans is available and accessible
- processes to switch electricity retailers and plans are easy
- consumers are well supported to compare and switch.
This project aims to reassess how we can best support and promote consumer comparison and switching services.
Other projects in Consumer protection
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Consumer Care Obligations
Mandating consumer care protections to ensure consumers receive a consistent and supportive standard of service.