Code amendment to improve the information provision framework
From 6 July - 24 August 2021, we consulted on amending the Electricity Industry Participation Code 2010 to put a standardised framework in place for the ongoing provision of information to us by participants.
The aim of our proposal to amend the Code was to enable us to be sufficiently informed to perform our functions effectively, to make it easier for industry participants to engage with us on information, and to efficiently be able to provide ongoing information to us.
Thanks to all those who made a submission. As a result of this consultation, our Board has approved an amendment to Part 2 of the Code to enable us to to publish notices requiring participants to submit information as specified.
On 1 August 2022 the Regular and Event-Driven Provision of Information to the Authority Code amendment came into force. This amendment will deliver greater durability of market arrangements, better and more informed Code development and a streamlined, more efficient, approach to the mandatory provision of information to the Electricity Authority.
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