Improving visibility of generation investment
We would like to thank the seven submitters who provided input on the consultation. We have decided to issue two information gathering notices to collect more data on grid-connected generation and load projects, as well as the cost of generation developments on the transmission and distribution networks.
This consultation sought feedback on two proposed information gathering notices under the Regular and Event-Driven Provision of Information to the Authority sub-part of the Electricity Industry Participation Code 2010. The notices are to collect more information about grid-connected generation and load projects, as well as the cost of generation developments on the transmission and distribution networks.
The first proposed clause 2.16 notice, relating to the list of developments, would be to Transpower and covers generation and load developments on transmission networks. Other work is already in progress to review Part 6 of the Code, which covers generation and load projects on distribution networks.
The second proposed clause 2.16 notice relates to the cost of new generation developments. This clause 2.16 notice would be to developers at the point that they connect to the network. Only the anonymised derived levelised cost of energy will be published and used for monitoring purposes—to avoid publishing cost information which is often commercially sensitive.
Consultation paper
BusinessNZ Energy Council2 pages
Genesis Energy3 pages
Meridian Energy4 pages
Major Electricity Users Group2 pages
Nova Energy5 pages
Transpower NZ Ltd10 pages