System security and resilience
Official Conservation Campaigns: 2019 review
Improving the regulatory settings for Official Conservation Campaigns in the Electricity Industry Participation Code.
Following consultation, we amended Part 9 of the Electricity Industry Participation Code 2010 to improve the robustness of the Official Conservation Campaign mechanisms, improve the transparency and ease of understanding of hydro risk curve charts, and better represent the actual hydroelectricity situation.
Our key decisions were to count contingent hydro storage for Official Conservation Campaigns and retain the 10% and 8% trigger points (respectively) for starting and stopping campaigns.
We also amended the standing reserve supply determination made under section 136 of the Electricity Industry Act 2010 to ensure contingent storage in Lakes Hāwea and Tekapo can continue to be accessed.
We approved the system operator’s proposal to replace the Security of Supply Forecasting and Information Policy and it is now incorporated into the Electricity Industry Participation Code by reference. View Security of Supply Forecasting and Information Policy
4 July 2019
Event —Stakeholder briefing on project decisions
18 June 2019
Decision — -
29 January 2019
Event —Stakeholder briefing
11 December 2018 - 11 February 2019
Consultation —Review of regulatory settings for official conservation campaigns 2019View consultation -
Project background
We conducted a review of the settings for Official Conservation Campaigns, which included the start and stop triggers, whether to retain both national and sub-national Official Conservation Campaigns, and whether any modification to the Reserve Supply Determination was required.
The system operator simultaneously reviewed the security of supply forecasting and information policy.
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Future security and resilience
Ensuring our electricity system remains secure and resilient for New Zealand's low-emissions energy transition.