Our projects
Enabling investment and innovation

Open networks

Allowing new and more types of competition on distribution networks.

  • Consumers
  • Distribution
  • Innovation
  • Overview


    Past activity
    • 12 October 2021

      Event —

      Open networks workshop

    • 27 July 2021

      Decision —

      Code amendment

    • 29 June 2021

      Event —

      Open networks hui

    • 18 August - 1 September 2020

      Consultation —
      Integration of hosting capacity into Part 6 of the Code, sunset clause
      View consultation
    • 20 July 2020

      Event —

      Open networks forum focusing on standards

    • 15 October - 3 December 2019

      Consultation —
      Integrating hosting capacity into small-scale distributed generation connections
      View consultation
    • 15 October 2019

      Event —

      Open networks forum on proposed changes to Part 6 of the Code

    Project background

    Other projects in Enabling investment and innovation
    View all projects

    Default distributor agreements

    Implementing default distributor agreements over use-of-system agreements to improve contracts between distributors and traders.

    Have your say

    Submissions open until 31 July 2024

    View consultation

    Distributor involvement in flexibility services market

    Developing guidance to support a competitive flexibility services market for more efficient and cost-effective use of the distribution network.

    Improving visibility of generation investment

    Improving information on investments in new generation connecting to the transmission and distribution network.