Pricing in a renewables-based electricity system
Price discovery under 100% renewable electricity supply
View submissions
Submissions closed 16 March 2022
From 2 February to 16 March 2022, the Market Development Advisory Group (MDAG) consulted on the key issues with the wholesale electricity market design that they believed should be explored to enable a shift to 100% renewable electricity supply.
MDAG has considered all submissions and moved into the second stage (option identification and analysis) of this project.
Supporting documents
Business Energy Council7 pages
Contact Energy5 pages
EA Networks2 pages
Electra9 pages
Electric Kiwi and Haast36 pages
Enel X2 pages
Energy Link7 pages
Entrust5 pages
EPOC8 pages
ERANZ2 pages
Fonterra4 pages
Genesis Energy13 pages
Hiringa5 pages
Independent retailers62 pages
Mercury Energy5 pages
Meridian Energy23 pages
MEUG23 pages
Neil Walbran Consulting4 pages
Nova Energy3 pages
NZGA9 pages
NZWEA5 pages
Orion10 pages
solarZero6 pages
Transpower20 pages
Trustpower3 pages
Vector12 pages
Wind Quarry Zealandia11 pages