Review of spot market trading conduct provisions
High standard of trading conduct provisions: MDAG review
View submissions
Submissions closed 27 May 2020
The high standard of trading conduct provisions regulate the behaviour of suppliers (generators and ancillary service agents) when they make offers for the supply of generation and instantaneous reserves to the New Zealand wholesale electricity market.
The Market Development Advisory Group (MDAG) believes that the provisions lack certainty. They propose a new set of rules to drive more efficient electricity prices for consumers.
Please see below for MDAG's discussion paper and the submissions received. Based on feedback received at workshops, MDAG then invited cross-submissions which are available below. Our thanks to all who made a submission.
MDAG Discussion paper - High standard of trading conduct25 February 2020
Trading conduct - Fact sheet25 February 2020
Supporting documents
Contact2 June 2020
Electric Kiwi-Haast2 June 2020
Genesis2 June 2020
Independent retailers2 June 2020
Meridian2 June 2020
Mercury2 June 2020
MEUG2 June 2020
Trustpower2 June 2020
Contact4 pages
Electric Kiwi - Haast75 pages
Genesis15 pages
Independent retailers14 pages
Meridian65 pages
Mercury33 pages
Trustpower3 pages