Regulatory settings to support non-network solutions and flexibility services
This consultation sought your views on how regulatory settings could support distribution networks with the uptake of non-network solutions and flexibility services. In particular, on the issues and opportunities related to distribution networks that, if addressed, would help unlock the potential of distributed energy resources for the long-term benefit of consumers.
Non-network solutions such as demand management, distributed generation and distributed energy resources can both unlock new possibilities in reducing peak electricity demand and help save on future grid and network investment.
Thanks to all those who made a submission. We have published submissions and a summary of submissions below.
We will carefully consider all submissions before we decide our next steps.
Summary of submissions
Ara Ake5 pages
Aurora12 pages
Consumer Advocacy Council7 pages
Contact Energy16 pages
Cortexo6 pages
Counties Energy11 pages
EEA14 pages
Electra8 pages
ENA26 pages
ERANZ7 pages
ETNZ3 pages
FlexForum8 pages
Genesis5 pages
Horizon Networks33 pages
IEGA8 pages
Influx9 pages
Intellihub12 pages
Kainga Ora6 pages
Lone Wolf4 pages
Manawa Energy14 pages
Mercury3 pages
Meridian13 pages
MEUG2 pages
NEG14 pages
Northpower18 pages
Octopus Energy4 pages
Orion23 pages
Our Energy3 pages
Overlay13 pages
Powerco23 pages
PowerNet16 pages
Solar Zero4 pages
SwitchDin11 pages
Transpower8 pages
Vector57 pages
Appendix A: NERA report for Vector46 pages
Vector Metering16 pages
Wellington Electricity25 pages
WEL Networks18 pages
Unison and Centralines2 pages