Our consultations
Have your say in our consultations - help shape improvements to market design and performance, and improve outcomes for consumers. We look forward to hearing from you!
Open consultations
Expiry of Urgent Code for market making under high stress conditions
Submissions due by 14 April 2025
View consultationPriority work programme
Our priority work programme groups projects that contribute to our strategic outcomes into six priority work streams and includes related consultations until March 2025.
Your voice matters
We value your ideas, opinions, data and information which are essential to making sure our work is relevant and well informed.
We consult on proposals for Code amendments, market issues and improvements. We welcome your submissions to help inform our work, to improve the way the sector operates and achieve better outcomes for consumers.
Find out about how to make a submission and how consultations work below.
How to make a submission
Please read the relevant issues paper to understand what we'd like your feedback on and the submission format. The issues paper includes the email address for submissions (which differs for each consultation).
Submissions must be made by the closing date specified in the consultation paper.
We prefer to receive submissions via email. However, we are keen to enable input by all. If you would prefer to make a submission by phone, video call or face to face meeting, please email info@ea.govt.nz or call +64 4 460 8860.
Submission content
A submission can be made on a single issue raised in the issues paper or it can cover a range of the issues raised or respond to specific questions.
We wish to publish all submissions to be transparent. If you consider that we should not publish any part of your submission, please:
- indicate which part should not be published and explain why
- provide a version that we can publish (if we agree not to publish your full submission).
Please note:
- All submissions we receive, including any parts that we do not publish, can be requested by members of the public including the media, under the Official Information Act 1982. This means we would be required to release any unpublished material unless good reason existed under the Official Information Act to withhold it. We will consult with you before releasing any material that you request not to be published.
- The publication of a submission does not mean the Electricity Authority endorses those views. The views set out in a submission are those of the submitter.
- We may choose not to publish a submission in part or in full if we consider, in our sole judgment, that the content is inappropriate for any reason (such as being racist, defamatory, potentially libellous or risks being seen by others as inappropriate). In making such judgments, we may consult with the submitter, including to seek agreement to submission content being amended for publication, but we reserve the right to make whatever decisions we see fit.
How consultations work
We typically take the following steps when consulting on our work:
- Issues paper published - We publish an issues paper which seeks feedback on specific issues and opportunities. It may include a set of questions to gather opinions, evidence, ideas and information on particular areas. The paper will advise how and when to make a submission and how feedback will be used.
- Review of all submissions - Our team reviews and analyses every submission received.
- Publication of submissions - We publish all submissions on the relevant project page on this website to maintain transparency. We will redact any information that is personally identifying, apart from the submission name/organisation.
- Further work and engagement - We may conduct further engagement and analysis to inform our decision on the matter. This may involve additional consultation and an invitation for cross-submissions.
- Decision - We will publish a decision paper and any associated material to explain our findings and decision. Where relevant, information and evidence in submissions (such as facts, figures, data or examples) may be referred to, or used, in our decision paper.