EIEP4A Medically dependent consumer information
We are seeking feedback on a new Electricity Information Exchange Protocol (EIEP) to support retailers’ upcoming obligations under the Consumer Care Obligations to share information with distributors about medically dependent consumers on their networks.
The proposed EIEP4A aims to ensure consistent, reliable and timely exchange of medically dependent consumer information between retailers and distributors, while safeguarding consumer privacy and data security.
The protocol would ensure distributors have visibility of medically dependent consumers at an installation control point level on their network, enabling them to use this information when planning and undertaking work on the network. This information will also be able to be used by those distributors who are responsible for notifying consumers of outages.
We welcome submissions on our proposal by 5pm, 28 January 2025, with a final decision expected in mid-February 2025.
Make a submission
We welcome feedback in the format shown in Appendix B to ccc@ea.govt.nz by 5pm, Tuesday 28 January 2025.
If you cannot send your submission electronically, please contact ccc@ea.govt.nz or 04 460 8860 to discuss alternative arrangements.
We wish to publish all submissions to be transparent. If you consider that we should not publish any part of your submission, please:
- indicate which part should not be published and explain why, and
- provide a version that we can publish (if we agree not to publish your full submission).
However, please note that all submissions received by the Authority, including any parts that the Authority does not publish, can be requested under the Official Information Act 1982.