Distributed generation pricing principles
We’re seeking feedback on ways to improve the distributed generation pricing principles that guide the cost of connecting distributed generation, such as wind and solar farms, directly to the network. Distributed generation plays an important role in bringing electricity to where it is needed most, and we want to ensure it is efficiently rolled out at the right places and at the right time.
As investment in distributed generation grows, it’s important to review the rules and ensure they’re working for consumers.
We’ve identified an issue with the current distributed generation pricing principles and possible solutions to promote more efficient investment in distributed generation. We are now seeking feedback on these proposed solutions.
Related consultation
Alongside this issues paper, we welcome feedback on the consultation paper, Requiring distributors to pay consumers who inject at peak times.
This consultation paper supports proposals developed under the Energy Competition Task Force Initiative 2A that considers rewarding consumers who sell energy into the system when and where it benefits their local distribution network by reducing the need for more network infrastructure.
We’ve included the distributed generation pricing principles issues paper in this consultation package so those with an interest in distributed generation can consider both sets of issues related to distribution pricing at the same time.
Submissions for both papers are due by 5pm, Wednesday 26 March and will be followed by a two-week cross-submission period, closing 5pm Wednesday 9 April, 2025.
Make a submission
We welcome submissions to distribution.pricing@ea.govt.nz by 5pm Wednesday 26 March, 2025.
Submissions will then be published on this consultation page. Cross-submissions are invited to the same email address by 5pm, Wednesday 16 April, 2025.
If you cannot send your submission electronically, please contact distribution.pricing@ea.govt.nz or 04 460 8860 to discuss alternative arrangements.
We wish to publish all submissions to be transparent and to allow for cross-submissions. If you consider that we should not publish any part of your submission, please:
- indicate which part should not be published and explain why, and
- provide a version that we can publish (if we agree not to publish your full submission).