Consumer plan comparison and switching
Following consultation, we have made four key decisions on how we will continue to support and improve comparison and switching services and tools for consumers. We will:
- continue support for a comparison and switching website service, with procurement underway to have a new contract in place by 1 July 2025
- explore alternative funding models for the website to help increase trust and confidence in the website
- develop and implement changes that will enhance the website service and switching environment
- broaden our support to progress initiatives outside of a website service, such as exploring best plan notices and community advisors.
This consultation sought feedback on eight options to support and promote consumer comparison and switching between electricity retailers and plans. This included five website-related options and three consumer choice support options.
We would like to thank all submitters for engaging with this consultation. We are carefully considering your feedback.
Energy plans are evolving to meet consumer demand for more choice and flexibility. Electricity retailers are offering a greater range of plans, with benefits such as time-conditional plans or plans bundled with other utility services, such as internet or mobile phones.
While this is a positive outcome for consumers, the growing number of diverse offerings can make it difficult for consumers to choose the right plan for their household needs.
It is increasingly important for consumers to have access to accurate information that enables them to compare plans and easily make the switch if a better offer is available.
2degrees3 pages
Aleisha Hulbert2 pages
Anna Cammock-Nicholls2 pages
Anonymous submission2 pages
Bex Lawton2 pages
Bridget Piper2 pages
Charlotte McColl2 pages
Citizen's Advice Bureau2 pages
Common Grace Aotearoa4 pages
Consumer Advocacy Council10 pages
Consumer NZ26 pages
Contact Energy3 pages
Cortexo6 pages
David Hingston8 pages
David Riley5 pages
Debbie Leyland2 pages
Disabled Persons Assembly NZ6 pages
Ecobulb9 pages
Electric Kiwi2 pages
Entrust6 pages
ERANZ9 pages
Esme Putt2 pages
Etienne Wain2 pages
Fiona Williams2 pages
Flick3 pages
Frank Lawton2 pages
Genesis9 pages
Glimp8 pages
Holly Morton-Chong2 pages
Independent retailers6 pages
Jack Cammock-Nicholls2 pages
Jacob Anderson2 pages
Julian JP Warmington5 pages
Mercury2 pages
Meridian11 pages
Michael Harcourt2 pages
Mika Hervel2 pages
Nova Energy9 pages
NZ Compare8 pages
Paul Chapman11 pages
Peter Gibbard & Kevin Remmy8 pages
Richard John Smith2 pages
Survey submissions (36 total)78 pages
Utilities Disputes8 pages