Network connections project – stage one
As New Zealand’s economy electrifies, electricity generators, industrial consumers and developers are increasingly seeking connections directly to distribution networks.
The current Code requirements for connecting to distribution networks have served us well in the past. But demands on our networks are changing, and we need future-ready requirements that better serve consumers, distribution businesses, and those wanting to connect to the network or upgrade their existing connection (access seekers).
In this consultation, we propose Code changes that aim to remove barriers and create efficiencies in the application process for connecting distributed generation (like solar farms) and large load (like industrial plant) to networks. We think these changes will make connecting to the network easier, faster, more equitable and more consistent across New Zealand.
The proposed changes are expected to bring benefits to all parties:
- Distributors will be able to better prioritise applications that are ready to connect. This will help them allocate limited network capacity to projects that best support New Zealand’s energy transition.
- Access seekers will have more certainty on what is required to connect and when their applications will be processed. This certainty will support securing investments and help to manage the development and delivery of their project.
- All New Zealanders will benefit as the proposals help streamlines processes for developments, such as public EV chargers and solar farms, to connect to the network faster so consumers can more quickly enjoy the benefits they bring.
The proposed changes also support industrial firms switching from fossil fuels to electricity, and so could increase the rate of decarbonisation efforts to help New Zealand meet its climate change targets.
This is the first stage of our ‘Network connections project’. Stage two of the project will consider a range of issues, such as application processes for residential solar and the fees access seekers pay for their applications to be processed.
*Note on 26 November the consultation period was extended by 2 weeks. Submissions closed at 5pm, Friday 20 December. Cross-submissions are now due by 5pm, Friday 24 January 2025.
We held a one-hour webinar on Monday 11 November to talk through the proposals in this consultation paper and answer questions. The webinar also included a presentation about the complementary Distribution connection pricing consultation paper. Watch the webinar and read the transcript.
Complementary consultation
Alongside this consultation, we welcome your feedback in the Distribution connection pricing proposed Code amendment consultation.
This consultation runs over the same time period and aims to address some barriers to efficient pricing for connecting to distribution networks.
Together, the proposals across these consultations aim to support more efficient investment in infrastructure, which lowers overall costs to consumers, and supports a growing, thriving and electrified New Zealand.
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