Request official information

If you are looking for information that is not publicly available on this website, you can make a request for the information. You can also explore our responses to previous requests under the Official Information Act.

How to make an official information request

The Official Information Act 1982 gives New Zealanders the right to request official information. Here's some information to help you make a request to us.

How can I make an information request?

To make a request, please email with specific details of the information you are after and your contact details.

Before making the request, please use the search function to check for the information carefully on this website.

When will I hear from you?

We will respond to your request as soon as reasonably practicable and no later than 20 working days after we receive it.

In some cases, we may require an extension, see section 15A of the Official Information Act.

Will I get all the information?

We may refuse or withhold certain information if there is conclusive, good, or administrative reason to do so, under the Official Information Act. If we need to do this, we will let you know why.

For more information, see sections 6, 7, 9 and 18 of the Official Information Act.

How can I follow up or make a complaint?

If you wish to follow up your request or are unhappy with our response, please email in the first instance so that we can try to resolve the issue.

Alternatively, you have the right to seek a review of the response by the Office of the Ombudsman. The Ombudsman will decide whether to investigate and review our decision and they may make a recommendation to us.

Official Information Act responses

We are committed to being as transparent as possible about our work. We strive to publish all our responses to requests under the Official Information Act (OIA), after they have been sent to the requestor.

See below for our OIA responses, which include the information being released and what information, if any, has been withheld and under which grounds of the Act.

Date Official Information Act request Response

22 August 2024

Market participant behaviour

22 August 2024

Section 46 requests

16 August 2024

Retailer definition

13 August 2024

Ministerial correspondence

8 August 2024

Ministerial Briefings

24 July 2024

Customer data

17 July 2024

Emissions reduction plan

16 July 2024

ICP information

11 June 2024

Response to 10 May

27 June 2024

Smart EV chargers

17 May 2024

Distributor price codes

15 May 2024

Customer data

9 May 2024

9 August 2021

1 May 2024

HP Notice

26 April 2024

Contractors and consultants

16 April 2024


9 April 2024

Risk management review

11 April 2024

Staff redundancies

3 April 2024

Expenditure and procurement process

18 March 2024

Customer data

28 February 2024

Risk management review

17 February 2024


9 February 2024


31 January 2024


25 January 2024

Chair and CE meetings

22 January 2024


22 January 2024

Risk management review

18 January 2024

Brand and website

18 December 2023

Customer data

23 November 2023

Use of te reo Māori

7 November 2023

Electricity industry participant perceptions survey results

9 October 2023

Disconnection data

14 September 2023

Electricity pylons and high voltage lines in Sockburn

7 September 2023

Consumer Care Guidelines

31 August 2023

EIEP13A and EIEP13B requests

8 August 2023

Embedded networks and the default distributor agreement

14 April 2023

Residential consumer information and data

11 April 2023


15 March 2023

Personal dwelling

27 February 2023

Kapuni gas plant/CO2 shortage

27 February 2023

Electricity consumption of metering and control devices

13 February 2023

Electricity industry participant perceptions survey results

12 February 2023


8 February 2023


4 February 2023

Security and Reliability Council

19 December 2022

Board papers on grid connection of energy systems

6 December 2022

Electricity industry participant perceptions survey results

17 November 2022

Smart meters

17 November 2022

Engagement with lobbyists

21 October 2022

Media queries

19 October 2022

Winter security of supply standards

25 August 2022

Salary bands

20 July 2022

Nova's submission on the financial transmission rights market review

4 July 2022

Status of work of each recommendation from MBIE's investigation into 9 August 2021 event

18 June 2022

Collection of data related to the impact of Covid-19 on electricity in New Zealand

9 June 2022

Turitea wind farm, Ohariu wind farm, Ngawha B power station, Tararua wind farm and Te Rere Hau wind farm

20 April 2022

Summary of submissions on the wholesale market review

19 March 2022

Crime Scene Cleaners

17 March 2022

Correspondence on an audit dispute

15 February 2022

Survey results of electricity industry participant perceptions

25 January 2022

Correspondence with Meridian on the wholesale market review